Online Workshops

I run regular online workshops for those wanting to improve their presentation and storytelling skills. These group workshops are intimate, with no more than five people, to ensure active participation and that everyone receives coaching.

You’ll get the most out of these workshops if you have a goal or audience in mind for your presentation, even if the presentation itself isn’t fully developed yet. There are three types of workshop to choose from, all of which have proven to be beneficial for a range of speakers in different fields and professions. If you would like to book on to all three workshops, get in touch.

The workshops run for one full-day, 10-5pm, with a one-hour lunch break. The workshop will be a mix of coaching and breakout sessions. I welcome anyone from around the globe to join, however, please note that the workshops take place on CET (Central European Time). If workshops are undersubscribed, I may need to cancel or postpone them. In the event of this, you’ll be offered a full refund.  

If you don’t see dates here that work for you, sign up below to my newsletter to get notified on new dates or check out my one-to-one coaching sessions, which we can work around your schedule.




Storytelling for greater impact and achieving goals

Humans feel before we think. Before our logical brain kicks in, we listen with our emotional brain. If we recite facts and figures to audiences, they don’t connect with us – in fact, often they switch off entirely. This isn’t what we want. The best way to engage audiences is to introduce storytelling into our presentations. Click workshop title to be taken through to more info and booking.

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The components of humour and how to implement them

Humour is a great tool to use when presenting. It connects us to our audience, and it makes both us and our audience relax. But many speakers shy away from using it, fearful that a joke may not land well or they could end up feeling foolish on stage. In this workshop, we’ll learn the building blocks of humour, how to use humour to be better presenters and to leverage what we need from our audience. Shine on stage and make audiences laugh. Click workshop title to be taken through to more info and booking.

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Create a convincing presentation

We all want to win audiences over with our presentations. But how do we do this? How do we convince them? In this workshop, we’ll work through a tried-and-tested formula to map out your presentation and think like your audience. Click workshop title to be taken through to more info and booking.

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Storytelling for greater impact and achieving goals

Humans feel before we think. Before our logical brain kicks in, we listen with our emotional brain. If we recite facts and figures to audiences, they don’t connect with us – in fact, often they switch off entirely. This isn’t what we want. The best way to engage audiences is to introduce storytelling into our presentations. Click workshop title to be taken through to more info and booking.

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